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Monday, June 20, 2005

Real Estate Section No News To Me

News: A report of recent events and happenings as given each day by newspaper, radio, etc. of information which was not known before.

- The Oxford English Dictionary

Once you've lived in Las Vegas awhile, you realize that the Las Vegas Review Journal is your best source for newspaper reading in town. The publication really is excellent, except for the Real Estate section in the Sunday edition. What bothers me about this section is it's just not "news" - it's really just feel good press releases disguised as news articles, but in reality are nothing more than promotional fluff generated by the marketing departments of the many builders and developers in town.

Here are some of the headlines in yesterday's edition:

  • Sandhurst's Execs Call Las Vegas Home
  • Lennar's Package Delights Buyers
  • Christopher Introduces Luxury Lofts Complex
  • Boca Raton Extols Luxury Units
  • Trump Sales Center Readies for Opening
  • Residences Come "Stocked"

This isn't "news". This is in-your-face, totally subjective, company-generated marketing that is being passed off as newsworthy. Of course the front page of the section screams out "REAL ESTATE", with "promotional feature" in small print underneath as a disclaimer, so you can't say they're trying to put one over on anyone, but it just leaves me with a bad taste in my mouth when I realize the best newspaper in town can't give me objective real estate news in their real estate section.

That's exactly why this blog was created. We aren't affiliated with any builder or project and can report the Las Vegas high rise condo hotel facts honestly, objectively and accurately with no bias towards anyone. Now that's news!

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